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9am, 11am, and 6 pm in church
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
10.15 am in Day Chapel
10.15 am in Church
All our parish masses will be live streamed
Olton Friary
St Bernard’s Road
B92 7BL
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To view the latest parish newsletter, click here
The Parish Directory is now complete, providing brief information on all areas of Parish life. A pdf copy of the Parish Directory will be available soon.
To join Olton Friary WhatsApp Group for important updates send a text to admin 07570789651 and ask to join.
To access the Full Webcam Schedule please go to the Olton Friary Webcam on the following link:
We now have livestream in the Day Chapel. The stream goes live 5 minutes before the start time.
Please click https://www.youtube.com/@oltonfriary to go to our YouTube channel where you will see the list of upcoming recordings and past recordings.
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