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Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
10.15 am in Church
9am, 11am, and 6 pm in church
All our parish masses will be live streamed
Olton Friary
St Bernard’s Road
B92 7BL
Contact us:
0121 706 0505
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To access the Full Webcam Schedule please go to the Olton Friary Webcam on the following link:
We now have livestream in the chapel. The stream goes live 5 minutes before the start time.
Please click https://www.youtube.com/@oltonfriaryto go to our YouTube channel where you will see the list of upcoming recordings and past recordings.
Our schedule is:
Morning Prayer and Mass - 7:15am Mon - Fri
Rosary and Mass - 10:00am Mon - Fri
Evening Vespers - 6:00pm Mon - Fri
Adoration - 11:00am Thursday, 7:00pm Tuesday
Rosary - 6:30pm Wednesday
Advent and Christmas Mass Times can be downloaded here, or to view online please click here
Olton Friary Church Roof Report September 2023 can be downloaded by CLICKING HERE or viewed online HERE
Our church will be open for public for the masses on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 10.15 am and on Sundays 9am, 11am, and 6 pm. Also all our parish masses will be live streamed.
The Parish Directory is now complete, providing brief information on all areas of Parish life. To view a pdf copy of the directory please CLICK HERE
To join Olton Friary WhatsApp Group for important updates send a text to admin 07570789651 and ask to join.
To find out how to continue giving including how to gift aid during this time please CLICK HERE for details.
Hello, and a very warm welcome to the web site of the 'Church of the Holy Ghost and Mary Immaculate', Olton, known as 'Olton Friary'!
I am happy to extend a warm personal welcome to both parishioners and visitors through our web site. I hope that as you browse these digital pages it allows you to gain a snapshot of our life as a Parish Community; to see some of the many ministries and activities that make up our dynamic parish.
The message of the 'Gospel of Christ' and the liturgy, equips us not only to promote the values of the Gospel, but to live and share them with our brothers and sisters. We have many groups of people within our parish, who dedicate their time, energy and resources, to work together, to proclaim the mission of the Catholic Church in our local community.
I hope that you find this web site beneficial. 'Where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name, there he is present amongst them' (Mt.18:20) May the presence of the Lord bless and guide our thoughts, prayers and actions.
Fr. Biju Antony Panthalookaran
SCJ Parish Priest
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