Fundraising Projects

In an attempt to look beyond our own parish community, we have two projects of support:

In 1983 the Sacred Heart Fathers and Brotthers and the parish adopted, and began to support, St Basil's Centre as a good cause. It is a Christian charity organisation whose principal aim is to care to homeless young people in Birmingham and the surrounding areas. It encourages them to help themselves to have a purpose for living. St Basil's provide accomodation; offers support with employment needs and appropriate training. To save regularly at home collection boxes are available from the parish office and the Narthex. If you wish to give occasionally there is a box in the wall of the church. 

Parishioners may offer regular financial support to the Sacred Heart Missions. SCJ Mission boxes are to be kept at home for a few months at a time to save donations. Collection boxes are available from the parish office or the Narthex. On Wednesday and Fridays at the After-Mass Coffee morning, money is raised in support of the SCJ Missions.

For any further information please contact the Parish Office on 0121 706 0505 or by email

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