Reading is a ministry, derived from one of the orders to the priesthood, the lector, although today it is undertaken by lay people. Readers are commissioned annually, on 2nd Sunday of Advent which is entitled ‘Bible Sunday’.
Readers proclaim the scriptures at all Masses, although the reading of the Gospel is reserved for Deacons and Priests. Readers also perform this role at Sacramental services, for example, Baptism, and at non- Eucharistic services, for example service of reconciliation.
It is an important role, for as a proper account is given of the scriptures, so it leads to prayerful reflection and meditation and a better understanding of the meaning of the Word of God. This in turn nourishes and strengthens our faith.
Readers meet annually, on retreat, to reflect on their ministry and to receive advice on how to improve in their role.
New readers, including young readers, are always welcome. If you are interested please speak to the Parish Priest, Fr, Biju, or email.