

Fr Austin's Holy Thought

Third Sunday of Lent

In Search of Truth

 Luke 13:1-9

The horror of the invasion of Ukraine was accompanied by a steady stream of lies from the Kremlin. Back in the 90’s when the internet first began there were great hopes that this new medium would make mass deception impossible. But sadly we’ve learnt that any medium can be manipulated by the rich and the powerful.

False internet ‘news’ & conspiracies can multiply like crazy with few checks & balances … e.g. “the Moon landings were faked” …. “the Pope is bogus” …. “vaccines are toxic” (a hot favourite) ...etc..

In Jesus’ day the issue was less “fake news” but rather ‘trivial news’. Earthquakes, famine & civil war were familiar to the Gospel world, but you can hear the exasperation in  Jesus' voice today  when  people fuss over the news that the Siloam tower collapsed killing 18, or that Galileans were executed in Rome’s war against terrorism.

Jesus resisted the invitation to join the blame game and seek a scapegoat because he knew that the world was messy. It wasn’t an evil world, simply a misguided world incapable of finding its way without help from above.

  And instead of trying to find a culprit, he told a strange story about a fig tree, teaching that God is not a cruel judge who searches our faults, but rather more like a compassionate gardener who tends us with loving care. And like the enthusiast who loves his plants, this gardener always gives us a second chance. 

Fr.Austin scj   

Email Fr. Austin SCJ


Weekly Diary


23rd March - 30th March 2025

Third Week of Lent 2025

Third Sunday of Lent - 23rd March

Ex 3:1-8,13-15 1Co 10:1-6,10-12 Lk 13:1-9

9.00am - Mary Galvin

11.00am - People of the parish 

  12.30 Baptism

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass Marina Doherty RIP 

Exit Collection Our Lady of Walsingham shrine

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Annunciation (Tuesday) celebrates a key moment in time when Mary said ‘yes’ to the call to be mother of Jesus. It was in principle possible for her to say ‘no’ but with a generous heart & spirit she said ‘yes’ to an unknown future.

Two traditions of Marian devotion combine this day: one is to see Mary as the mother of Jesus and so the mother of all Christians too. The other is to see her as the model of all Christians, since she willingly did what God asked of her

‘I am the servant of the Lord’, her answer to the Angel, echoes the prophet Isaiah and his poems about the Servant of God that begin in Isaiah 42: ‘This is my servant whom I uphold’. Mary was aware she was God’s servant, confident she’d be upheld through thick & thin.

In modern terms Mary is the ultimate ‘influencer’. She influenced Jesus in his upbringing, and gave him the ‘nudge’ to work his first miracle. And in our own Christian living she influences us to follow her own pattern of faithful obedience, trusting that we will be upheld.


Jubilee Lenten Pilgrimage Walks:

* Today 23rd March: Walk to Olton Friary – leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 6 April Walk to St.Augustine’s

 leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm with ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 13th April Walk from St.George & St.Teresa’s: Take bus or train from our own church to reach G & T by 2.00pm. Then walk back to respective parishes.


Change of Weekday Mass timing (Monday to Friday) - from the 3rd March the first Mass will be at 7.00 am












Monday - 24th March

2K 5:1-15 Lk 4:25-30

7.00am Mass - Maggie Duggan 

10.15am Mass - Shirley Fernando

& Robert John French

11.30 Funeral Marjorie Benton

Tuesday - 25th March

Annunciation of the Lord

Is 7:10-14,8:10 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38

7.00am Mass Hugh Shriane RIP

10.15 Requiem  Marian Bird RIP

 7.00pm Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday - 26th March

Dt 4:1,5-9 Mt 5:17-19

7.00 Mass - Jane Farrell RIP

10.15 Mass - Monika & Stefan Sawicki RIP

Jim & Barbara Tomlinson 65th Wedding Anniv 11.00-12.00 Prayer Group (Day Chapel)

7.30pm Christ in the Home (round the parish)

Thursday - 27th March

Jr 7:23-28 Lk 11:14-23

7.00 Mass - Special Intention  

10.15 Mass Andrew Walford/ Kate Culhane rip 

11.00-12.00 Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

6.00pm Evening Prayer & Blessed Sacrament

Friday - 28th March

Ho 14:2-10 Mk 12:28-34

7.00 Mass - Margaret Rochfort RIP 

10.15 Mass Jo, Josha & Georgia Webley

  & Michael Costello RIP  

Saturday 29th March

Ho 5:15-6:6 Lk 18:9-14

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass - Brenda Galvin RIP

Fourth (Laetare) Sunday of Lent - 30th March

Jos 5:9-12 2Co 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3,11-32

9.00am - Jackie Gallagher & family &

Gerald Breatnach

11.00am - Aidan Donohoe 

  12.30 Baptism

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass People of the parish 

Exit Collection St.Vincent de Paul Society




Dear Brothers & Sisters

Take your shoes off, you’re on holy ground…so God said to Moses in today’s extract from Exodus. When we are in a holy presence we must tread carefully. We always do this when we pray before the Blessed sacrament. Our parish, unique in the Diocese hosts three one-hour opportunities every week for us to do so. (see page 2)

Christ in the home is our annual simple prayer service for families and friends to pray together before the Blessed Sacrament in half-a-dozen homes around the parish. We meet 7.30pm this Wednesday March 26

This simple service marks out our own house as ‘holy ground’ and It’s not too late to offer your own home as a venue this year.  It is a simple way for family, friends and neighbours to support one another in their Lenten journey….venues can be found in the paper copy of the bulletin or by contacting the Parish Office

Holy ground can also be the sacred space around our brothers and sisters. When we reach the deepest feelings and longings of another person, we walk on holy ground and we must tread carefully, in case by accident we bruise someone’s feelings.

The feast of the Anunciation is on Tuesday and we celebrate the humble willingness of Mary of Nazareth to be the mother of the Saviour. The angel Gabriel treated her with respect, and she was confident that as ‘Servant of the Lord’ she would be upheld.

May Mary, our mother too, watch over us all this week. 

Fr.Biju scj  Parish Priest 


SCJ News:

Chiang Mai, March 3 was a joyful day for the Thailand & Vietnam Vicariate: Bro. Anselm Prapas Chiwakitmankong & Bro .Peter Do Van Hung made perpetual profession before Fr.Gustavo Agín, Superior General. Bro.Peter is our first fully professed Betharramite from Vietnam. Fr. Wilfred our Regional Superior was also there. Now he is continuing his visits to our brothers in India.

Olton : Fr.Dominic died peacefully on March 1 at St.Bernards Care Home, tenderly cared for by the staff. His funeral will be at 11.00am at The Friary on April 7 led by Bp. David Evans with burial at Droitwich  4.00pm A vigil will be held at 4.00pm on the 6th at Balsall Heath where he served 22 years as parish priest.  ++May he rest in peace ++



Christ-in-the-home venuesPlease contact the Parish Office for details of venues for Christ in the Home.

PARISH QUIZ NIGHT 12th April: £3 per person opening at 7pm for 7.30pm start. Bring your own drinks & nibbles. Tea and coffee will be available.

Symbols of hope: Today Sunday 23 March after 9.00 Mass: Activities for children to make ‘Symbols of Hope’ for church display.

Special thanks to all who’ve offered to help.

Pilgrims of Hope: Please remember to bring photos and any of your ‘Symbols of Hope’ for the display in church. Thank you.

St Peregrine Prayer Group: Join us Friday 28th March for meeting at 2.00pm in the Day Chapel, and tea & chat afterwards.


Marriage matters: Third Sunday of Lent

Ex 3:1-8, 13-15; 1 Cor 10: 1-6, 10-12; Luke 13:1-9.Yahweh means `I am who I am’. Names bring to mind the person, and what they mean to you. Our God – Three Persons, created me, loves me, redeemed me, makes me holy, and is compassionate, merciful and forgiving. Just as MY Jack, MY Jill has shown me the same love, we have tried to show it to our children.


Big thanks to the secret army of cleaners who  keep our church tidy during the year: Week starting 23 March. Group E

Rest in Peace  Marjorie Benton-funeral  24 March; & Fr Dominic Innamorati-funeral 7 April @ The Friary. Vigil @ Balsall Heath 4pm

Meditation Group, Holy Souls: join us 1.00pm Mondays  in parish meeting room: March 24 & April 7.  A chance to be still, & know how much we are loved by God

40 HOURS DEVOTION AT holy souls ...

You are warmly invited to join in 40-hr devotion at Holy Souls, Acocks Green.

* Part of jubilee & centenary events, celebrating 100 years of the church.

* 40 unbroken hours Eucharistic Adoration Fri 4th - Sun 6th April. Events during night.

* Includes ‘Night of Light’ service  7-8pm  Sat 5th April.  Church will be candlelit and you can light a candle for peace.

* Golden opportunity to show lapsed or non-Catholic friends the beauty of our Faith * Refreshments during ‘Night of Light’ 

For info see Come join in adoring Jesus in the Eucharist

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025 Jubilee Year Diocesan Pilgrimage Sat 24–Fri 30 May 

Better still… join our parish contingent by calling Jim Noonan 07593 298704 to join Diocesan pilgrimage with Friary Group!

Day of Renewal Saturday 22 March 2025 at The Abbey Hall, Sutton Rd, Erdington. Speaker: Jenny Baker, bring own lunch.  Info:  Ray 07818 851 964

Diocesan Day Pilgrimage to Walsingham Saturday 10th May 2025. Please see for further info.

200 CLUB winners in MARCH: 1st £125 118 Mrs Devolle; 2nd £50 115 Mrs L Carmichael 3rd £25 90 Mrs B Kobic

Gift Aid Envelopes Gift Aid envelopes for new tax year to be collected Today in Narthex. After 6th April, please dispose of any envelopes from previous tax year. 

NB your individual box number may have changed as we have streamlined the system

Today after 9.00 Mass, in the hall, there’ll be activities for children to make hope symbols for the display. Many thanks to those who’ve offered to help today.

WeBelieve, 25-28 July 2025, a festival of Catholic Life for the Jubilee Year of Hope, for parish & families.

* 4 days of music, keynotes, conversation & worship, in the beautiful surroundings of St Mary’s College, Oscott, Sutton Coldfield

* Featuring Dr Gianna Emanuela Molla (daughter of St Gianna Molla), Fr Paul Murray, singer AnMari, Fr Toby Lees,  Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali &  many more. 

* Pilgrims can come for whole w/e or day (camping..stay local.. or come from home) 

Early Bird rate £70 for w/e or £40 per day Tickets at

St Paul’s School for Girls seek teachers for Business & Economics, Social Services, Computer Science, Full Time/Part Time & Permanent. See website for vacancies for Sept 25 start: 



Monday Zumba 1.30 - 2.30 & 7 - 8pm

Tuesday Latin & Ballroom Dancing 10.30 -12 noon & 7.30 - 9.30pm. Yoga 5:45 - 7:00pm

Tuesday U3A (2nd Tuesday, monthly)

Wednesday Stroke Club 9am - 1.30pm. Slimming World 2.30 - 8.30

Thursday Zumba 11am - 12 Noon.  U3A Quiz (2nd Thursday monthly) Fitness Pilates (term time) 6.30 - 8.30pm

Friday Yoga 10.45am - 12.00 noon


PARISH CENSUS: Please fill in details online or manually. Info? Email: or call office 0121 706 0505.


Safeguarding: Our Parish follows correct safeguarding policy & practice at all times. Safeguarding Parish Reps: Carol Foster & Maureen Treanor: Diocese Rep: Claire Reay: Call 0121 230 6240 for any concern or query

The Parish operates in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Carol Foster and  Maureen Treanor. They can be contacted at: or alternatively the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240 if you have any concern.


PARISH GROUPS—Please check your information posted on the Parish website.  Any updates/corrections/alterations, please email the parish office.

SOLIHULL/HEARTLANDS HOSPITAL Please ask hospital Switchboard for on-call Catholic Priest 0121 424 2000, & they will call the duty Priest. Catholic Chaplain at Solihull & Heartlands is Fr Roger Raven. Data Protection law means visit from  priest must be actively sought. He doesn't have access to patient files.

CAR PARK - Please be considerate when parking/manoeuvring your car and please note the disabled parking bays are for the use of those with disabled badges, there is no parking in either the Community and Staff designated areas and the front & rear of The Friary Residential block.  When parking on a Sunday, please do not park on or drive over the grass adjacent to the gate leading into the graveyard.  Only authorised cars to park at other times, by arrangement with the Parish Priest.

GOING TO HOSPITAL -Please let your parish priest know if you’re going into hospital. On admission ask for the Catholic chaplain as Chaplains no longer receive names of Catholic patients unless they opt in.

SECURITY NOTICE - Please ensure Friary doors are kept closed & locked when necessary.  If you attend a meeting please make sure that the last one out has secured the outside doors.  The front door should not be left on the hook unattended.  Besides Church security, the Friary is home to priests & brothers who need to know they are safe.

FLOODLIGHT DEDICATION—You are able to have the Church floodlit in memory of someone.  A suggested donation is £10 a week, the name of the person in whose memory it is in would appear in the newsletter.  Forms are available in  narthex, or from parish office.

THE SICK OF OUR PARISH - If your name or the name of a friend or relative was on the parish list of prayers for the sick, and you would like that name to remain on the list, would you please contact the Parish Office on 0121 706 0505.  Data protection law obliges us to ensure that you or your friend or family member has consented to being on the list, as it can be seen by many, (e.g. church notice board) and is available for anyone to pick up.  We make great efforts to ensure the church abides by new data protection and privacy law.

VEHICLE CRIME ALERT - The neighbourhood Policing Team would like to draw your attention to an increase in vehicle crime in the area.  5 crime reduction tips—ALWAYS close the windows and doors in your vehicle, DON'T leave any valuables on display and where possible do not leave ANY valuables in the vehicle such as Satnavs, Mobile Phones, Wallets, Purses, Bags or iPods, ENSURE your registration plates are fixed using 'anti tamper screws', KEEP your car keys in a safe place in your house.

KEEP YOUR VALUABLES SAFE - Please do not leave bags unattended in Church, even at Communion time.  Bags and valuables should not be left on display in cars as this can present a target for thieves.

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