OutReach Justice & Peace Group

Love needs to be organised to be an ordered service…"

- "Deus Caritas Est" ( 2006 para 20)




Sharing time and information in dealing with the issue of justice and peace is a valuable and necessary contribution to the process of building God's kingdom of love. Your OJP has been an active participant in the Birmingham Diocese J&P Commission's Annual Assembly at St Peter's RC School since its inception in 2004. That Commission's periodic emails publicise a range of local, regional and national J&P concerns and activities. Through these we are often invited and encouraged to choose to be kept informed!

Olton Friary OutReach-J&P Group (OJP) welcomes Olton Friary community members who seek to give and spend time aiding Christian efforts in becoming more aware of the diverse needs and issues that specifically affect local, regional, and even global communities. By definition, J&P reaches out to serve in support of the said God's kingdom of love.

So, fellow parishioners & friends, your time and you sharing information are invaluable to our community mission. Our target activities range from:

  1. Fundraising aimed at supporting diverse social/community needs –to- collaborating with wider social efforts (e.g. enabling the provision of shelter and even the periodic hot meals to the homeless and rootless); from
  2. Supporting needy projects in India, Africa, South America and the Caribbean, -to- aiding needy individuals seeking to overcome the effects of poverty and poor education; and
  3. Participating in local ecumenical initiatives, including welcoming and settling initiatives regarding refugees and asylum seekers within the Midlands.

Interested members of the Friary/community parish are thereby encouraged to register your support and/or interest. In doing so you will be helping to facilitate the achievement of at least some or all the above. You could also receive the periodic J&P emails as well as invited to attend bi-monthly network meetings.

The aim of these meeting is to share and prayerfully lend support to those actively involved in promoting the range of J&P work described above.

Do feel free to email, telephone or tweet with or for information.


Geraldine Clifton (07813 369074)

Email: outreachjp@gmail.com 

Telephone Parish Office: 0121 706 0505.

Twitter: @FriaryOutreach

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