Hello and welcome to the administration section of our Parish. The parish office is located on the ground floor of the Friary building. Just ring the bell and when you enter turn left and the parish office is the first door on the left.
Parish Office times are 9.30 am – 2.00 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
The parish office is normally staffed by our Parish Secretary.
Graine McCabe

Working hours 9.30am - 2.00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Tel: 0121 706 0505 during office hours
Fax: 0121 706 8105
Email Graine
Graine covers most enquiries relating to the administration of the parish and is the first point of contact. The following items are a summary but not limited to what Graine can act or advise upon:
- Baptisms;
- Info about Confirmation/first Communion programmes;
- Funeral arrangements;
- Submissions for the parish newsletter;
- GADS (Gift Aid Scheme);
- Matched funding;
- Payroll giving;
- Arranging house blessings;
- Cemetery memorials & maintenance;
- Housebound parishioners;
- Hall bookings;
- Room bookings for parish events;
- Parish registration/database updates;
- Website requests /updates;
- 200 Club enquiries;
- Church floodlights;
- Hymn book dedications.
Gift Aid (GADS)
Please contact Graine should you wish to make a Gift Aid contribution to the parish. Every UK tax payer is entitled to gift aid and there are no restrictions on the amount you can gift aid. If you already gift aid to other charities, these are unaffected by any contribution made to Olton Friary Parish. For every £1 donated the parish receives an extra 25p from the government. Gift aid can be given in a number of ways some of which are:
- Weekly Envelopes;
- Standing Orders;
- Name and address on an envelope for one off donations such as those from parish visitors.
Should you feel able to gift aid please contact Graine. A gift of £4 a month or £1 per week equates to £5 per month for the parish or an extra £12 per year. If you don't already gift aid, we would be so very grateful if you would give it some consideration. Thank you much for your generosity.
Mary Cunningham

Mary assists in the parish office for the following items - Tuesday afternoons only 1.00pm - 4.00pm:
- Mass Intentions;
- Baptisms.
For marriages and engaged couples please contact Pat Bishop, our wedding registrar directly. Email her
Parishioners requiring IT assistance with parish email accounts or access to the Parish Intranet please contact Martin Hayden.