Weekly Diary

19th January - 26th January 2025

Week Two Ordinary Time 2025

Peace Sunday 19th  January

    Is 62:1-5 1Co 12:4-11 Jn 2:1-11

9.00am Mass Edmund Poole  

11.00am Mass Barry Pyne RIP

12.30 Baptism 

6.00pm Mass  People of the parish 

Exit Collection  Pax Christi

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace Sunday: the exit collection goes to Pax Christi, the Catholic peace movement that educates people to find non-violent ways of resolving differences.

St.Sebastian (Monday) a Roman soldier in Milan before conversion to Christian faith. Martyred by shooting with arrows c.300, his cult has a life of its own. Dioceses the world over have St.Sebastian parishes marking today with processions through the streets carrying his statue, often showing the protruding arrows.

Saint Agnes (Tuesday) a contemporary of St.Sebastian was a teenage martyr and remembered in Eucharistic Prayer I

St.Vincent of Saragossa (Wednesday) was another early roman martyr, who along with St.Lawrence & St.Ephraim is a patron saint of deacons.

St.Nicholas Owen (Thursday) a Jesuit lay brother & skilled Carpenter. During  times of persecution he used his skills to create priests’ hiding holes in country houses like Coughton Court, Harvington Hall & Baddesley Clinton. He was eventually captured, tortured and put to death in the Tower of London 1606.

St.Francis de Sales (Friday) Bishop of Geneva after the Calvinist reformation was a model of a dedicated pastoral Bishop, he wrote Introduction to the Devout Life, to encourage laypeople to deepen their spiritualty. Canonised in 1655 and later named a doctor or teacher of the church.

Conversion of St.Paul apostle (Saturday) Once a pharisee zealot harassing Christians, he saw the light on the Damascus road & became the great missionary of the early church. His task  was to reach out to non-Jewish people & repeatedly assert that Jesus came as a light for all nations. In a world of sectarian conflict we need his light more than ever.











Monday 20th January

St.Sebastian (optional)

Heb 5:1-10 Mk 2:18-22

7.30 Mass Andrew Cunningham RIP

10.15 Mass Beverley Wilkes

6.00pm Vigil William Gaffey

Tuesday 21st January


Heb 6:10-20 Mk 2:23-28

7.30 Mass Anne Stokes RIP 1st Anniversary

10.15 Requiem William Gaffey RIP

7.00pm Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday 22nd  January

St.Vincent (Deacon)

Heb 7:1-3,15-17 Mk 3:1-6

7.30 No Mass

10.15 Comunion Service

11.00-12.00 Prayer Group (Day Chapel)

Thursday 23rd January

St.Nicholas Owen

Heb 7:25-8:6 Mk 3:7-12

7.30 Mass Mary Barry 

10.15 Mass  Eva Timlin

11.00-12.00 Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

6.00pm Evening Prayer & Blessed Sacrament

Friday 24th  January

St.Francis de Sales

Heb 8:6-13 Mk 3:13-19

7.30 Mass Gerry Stokes 

10.15 Requiem Graham Thomas

Saturday 25th  January

Conversion of St.Paul the apostle

Ac 22:3-16 or Ac 9:1-22 Mk 16:25-18

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass Jean Sherman RIP

Third Sunday (Word of God) 26th  January

Ne 8:2-6,8-10 1Co 12:12-30  Lk 1:1-4,4:14-21

9.00am Mass Norah Donnelly RIP 

11.00am Mass Finlay Miller & Comrades overseas RIP  

6.00pm Mass  People of the parish 

Exit Collection  St.Stephen Guild medal fund



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