Weekly Diary

9th March - 16th March 2025

First Week of Lent 2025

1st Sunday of Lent - 2nd March

Dt 26:4-10 Rm 10:8-13 Lk 4:1-13

9.00am - People of the Parish

11.00am - Mass Jane Farrell RIP

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass - Shelia Ratcliffe RIP

Exit Collection SCJ Sick & Elderly

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have all begun our Lenten journey, with the three pillars of lent:  prayer fasting and almsgiving. In our parish opportunities abound for all three!

Our Journey in Faith group has also been progressing quietly in the background, with eight candidates preparing for baptism or full reception into the church at Easter.

Archbishop Longley will welcome them all this afternoon at Saint Chad's cathedral for the Rite of Election, a way of recognising that these candidates have been chosen by God.

Next Sunday at our parish mass we celebrate the ‘scrutiny’, which is the moment when our parish community sees those whom God has chosen and welcomes them into our parish family.


Jubilee Lenten Pilgrimage Walks:  

* Sunday 9th March: Walk to Our Lady of the Wayside – leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 23rd March Walk to Olton Friary – leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 6 April Walk to St.Augustine’s

 leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm with ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 13th April Walk to St. George & Saint Teresa’s – leaving respective Churches 2.00pm. Catching bus or train to St. George & St. Teresa’s and then walking back to respective parishes.

During Lent, SVP will collect toiletries to be distributed to refugees at St.Chad's Sanctuary. A box will be left in the narthex each Sunday for your donations. Please give generously. We are looking for: soap, shampoo, paper hankies. deodorant, toothpaste etc. Thankyou


Change of Weekday Mass timing (Monday to Friday) - from the 3rd March the first Mass will be at 7.00 am












Monday - 10th March

Lv 219:1-2,11-18 Mt 25:31-46

7.00am Mass - Marina Doherty RIP   

10.15am Mass - . Bernadette Murphy 

                & Cornelius O’Connell RIP

Tuesday - 11th March

Is 55:10-11   Mt 6:7-15

7.00am Mass Anthony McDonough-Smith

10.15 Mass - Stefan, Danusha & Frania RIP   

              & Frances Bennett RIP 

 7.00pm Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday - 12th March

Jon 3:1-10 Lk 11:29-32

7.00 Mass - Albert Bliss RIP 

10.15 Mass - Nick Starmer RIP  

           & Danny C

11.00-12.00 Prayer Group (Day Chapel)

Thursday - 13th March

Est 4:17 Mt 7:7-12

7.00 Mass - John Smith  

10.15 Mass - John & Philip Cunningham RIP                 & Jenny Linsey

11.00-12.00 Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

6.00pm Evening Prayer & Blessed Sacrament

Friday - 14th March

Ezk 18:21-28 M t 5:20-26

7.00 Mass - Brenda Galvin RIP 

10.15 Communion Service

Saturday 15th March

Dt 26:16-19 Mt 5:43-48

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass - Sr. Barbara Sandy

& Barbara Watters RIP 

Second Sunday of Lent - 16th March

Gn 15:5-12,17-18 Ph 3:17-4:1 Lk 9:28-36

9.00am - People of the parish    

11.00am - Dermot & Anna Grogan RIP

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass Brenda Galvin RIP 

Exit Collection Lent Fast (Cafod)



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