Parish Priest's Welcome


A Message from Fr. Biju

Hello, and a very warm welcome to the web site of the 'Church of the Holy Ghost and Mary Immaculate', Olton, known as 'Olton Friary'!

I am happy to extend a warm personal welcome to both parishioners and visitors through our web site. I hope that as you browse these digital pages it allows you to gain a snapshot of our life as a Parish Community; to see some of the many ministries and activities that make up our dynamic parish.

The message of the 'Gospel of Christ' and the liturgy, equips us not only to promote the values of the Gospel, but to live and share them with our brothers and sisters. We have many groups of people within our parish, who dedicate their time, energy and resources, to work together, to proclaim the mission of the Catholic Church in our local community.

I hope that you find this web site beneficial. 'Where two or three are gathered in Jesus' name, there he is present amongst them' (Mt.18:20) May the presence of the Lord bless and guide our thoughts, prayers and actions.

Fr. Biju Antony Panthalookaran 

SCJ Parish Priest

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