Weekly Diary

23rd March - 30th March 2025

Third Week of Lent 2025

Third Sunday of Lent - 23rd March

Ex 3:1-8,13-15 1Co 10:1-6,10-12 Lk 13:1-9

9.00am - Mary Galvin

11.00am - People of the parish 

  12.30 Baptism

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass Marina Doherty RIP 

Exit Collection Our Lady of Walsingham shrine

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Annunciation (Tuesday) celebrates a key moment in time when Mary said ‘yes’ to the call to be mother of Jesus. It was in principle possible for her to say ‘no’ but with a generous heart & spirit she said ‘yes’ to an unknown future.

Two traditions of Marian devotion combine this day: one is to see Mary as the mother of Jesus and so the mother of all Christians too. The other is to see her as the model of all Christians, since she willingly did what God asked of her

‘I am the servant of the Lord’, her answer to the Angel, echoes the prophet Isaiah and his poems about the Servant of God that begin in Isaiah 42: ‘This is my servant whom I uphold’. Mary was aware she was God’s servant, confident she’d be upheld through thick & thin.

In modern terms Mary is the ultimate ‘influencer’. She influenced Jesus in his upbringing, and gave him the ‘nudge’ to work his first miracle. And in our own Christian living she influences us to follow her own pattern of faithful obedience, trusting that we will be upheld.


Jubilee Lenten Pilgrimage Walks:

* Today 23rd March: Walk to Olton Friary – leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 6 April Walk to St.Augustine’s

 leaving respective Churches at 2.00pm with ETA 3.00pm.

* Sunday 13th April Walk from St.George & St.Teresa’s: Take bus or train from our own church to reach G & T by 2.00pm. Then walk back to respective parishes.


Change of Weekday Mass timing (Monday to Friday) - from the 3rd March the first Mass will be at 7.00 am












Monday - 24th March

2K 5:1-15 Lk 4:25-30

7.00am Mass - Maggie Duggan 

10.15am Mass - Shirley Fernando

& Robert John French

11.30 Funeral Marjorie Benton

Tuesday - 25th March

Annunciation of the Lord

Is 7:10-14,8:10 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38

7.00am Mass Hugh Shriane RIP

10.15 Requiem  Marian Bird RIP

 7.00pm Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday - 26th March

Dt 4:1,5-9 Mt 5:17-19

7.00 Mass - Jane Farrell RIP

10.15 Mass - Monika & Stefan Sawicki RIP

Jim & Barbara Tomlinson 65th Wedding Anniv 11.00-12.00 Prayer Group (Day Chapel)

7.30pm Christ in the Home (round the parish)

Thursday - 27th March

Jr 7:23-28 Lk 11:14-23

7.00 Mass - Special Intention  

10.15 Mass Andrew Walford/ Kate Culhane rip 

11.00-12.00 Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

6.00pm Evening Prayer & Blessed Sacrament

Friday - 28th March

Ho 14:2-10 Mk 12:28-34

7.00 Mass - Margaret Rochfort RIP 

10.15 Mass Jo, Josha & Georgia Webley

  & Michael Costello RIP  

Saturday 29th March

Ho 5:15-6:6 Lk 18:9-14

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass - Brenda Galvin RIP

Fourth (Laetare) Sunday of Lent - 30th March

Jos 5:9-12 2Co 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3,11-32

9.00am - Jackie Gallagher & family &

Gerald Breatnach

11.00am - Aidan Donohoe 

  12.30 Baptism

5.00 pm - Stations of the Cross

6.00pm Mass People of the parish 

Exit Collection St.Vincent de Paul Society



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